Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Random hodgepodgery

Although it seemed to last forever, January was a really great month for me. I had a blast and got a lot accomplished! Besides all the fun friends/family related shenanigans, I also got to check off a few things from my 25/25 list...

1. Finish notes on all Hitchcock films (3-4 per month)

I completed notes on three films this month:

The Paradine Case

Stage Fright

The 39 Steps

I think of the three, Stage Fright was my favorite. Michael Wilding is BEAUTIFUL and the film was extremely funny and very suspenseful. I will say though that chemistry between Robert Donat and Madeleine Carroll in The 39 Steps was fantastic and I thoroughly enjoyed that film as well.

11. Build savings account (at least $100 a month)

I got my federal tax return deposited into my checking account today so I put $500 of it into savings. I'd probably be more excited about it if I wasn't about to be unemployed in two weeks. Still, money is money and I'm grateful to have it! :)

13. Eat at one new restaurant every month

Even though this feels like ages ago, I ate at a few new restaurants this month: Houlihan's and Zim's. I was introduced to the complete and utter deliciousness that are the Zim's sliders and I'm so excited to have them again when I go this Friday.

15. Donate $5 to 1-3 charities of your choosing every month

This month I donated $15 to the Autism Research Institute.

21. Watch at least one documentary every month

Today I watched an extremely fascinating documentary called "Growing Up Online" from Frontline, the PBS documentary series. It's about how the Internet influences and affects children and teenagers and the way it has come to dominate their lives. While the popularity of online socializing via MySpace and Facebook is nothing new, it was pretty alarming to see how much of an impact the Internet has had in terms of education and the way young people are taught. While the technology is amazing and it's definitely making classes a lot more interesting and interactive than when I was in school, it was sad to see how many students were using the Internet to cheat and avoid actually learning anything from their education. Anyway, it's a great documentary that everyone should check out. It just might make you re-evaluate how much time you spend online!

Okay that about does 'er for my January update. Happy trails!


Miss Organizized said...

Oh wow!! You really did do a lot with your list this month! I'm glad you put together something like this because it definitely makes life a lot more enjoyable and know, rather than just sitting around doing nothing ;)

Amanda said...

Exactly! And it's way easier than when I tried to do the 101/1001 list. I don't know how you do it! ;) I think this project suits me a lot better and it definitely helps keep me on track in terms of my Hitchcock book, savings, and doing things with my time besides watching TV.