Friday, January 11, 2008

Starting out in the evening...

Well, I had myself a particularly great evening last night. I think it had to do with the fact that I had such a dull and mind-numbing day at work. Coming home and being able to do exactly what I wanted felt so very good. So what did this spectacular evening entail?

It began once I arrived home, threw off the heels, and poured myself a glass of Red Zin. I put on the Death Proof soundtrack and proceeded to engage in two of my favorite activities: dancing and cleaning. Really, there's no better way to relieve stress.

After the apartment was nice and tidy, I hit the kitchen and tackled a recipe I found in Gourmet Magazine...Penne with Green Pea Pesto. Holy shit, is this stuff good. Up until now, my all-time favorite Z classic has been Spaghetti with Chorizo, Chickpeas and Almonds. Well, friends, I think this little number just might be taking its place. It's also 93489 times easier to make. Here's the recipe if you ever feel like indulging in a little plate of heaven.

Penne with Green Pea Pesto

(Serves 2-3)

-1/2 lb of penne
-half cup of pasta water, reserved
-1/2 lb of frozen sweet peas, cooked
-1 big clove of garlic or 2 small cloves
-3 Tbsp. of Parmesan cheese (2 Tbsp. for pesto and 1 Tbsp. added to pasta)
-half cup of pine nuts (1/4 for pesto, 1/4 toasted and added to pasta)
-3 Tbsp. of extra virgin olive oil
-1 tsp. salt
-pinch of black pepper

Add garlic and cheese to food processor and blend together. When peas are finished cooking, drain and add to food processor along with pine nuts, salt, and pepper. Process all ingredients while periodically adding the extra virgin olive oil until the mixture reaches the consistency of pesto. Meanwhile, boil water in a large pasta pot and add penne. Cook penne until al dente. Before pasta finishes cooking, toast the pine nuts in a skillet over low heat. Be careful though...pine nuts burn easily and they are fucking expensive! When the pasta is done, pour half a cup of the water into a bowl and then drain the pasta. Finally, add the pesto, toasted pine nuts, and remaining Parmesan cheese to the pasta along with the reserved pasta water. Stir, taste, adjust seasonings if necessary, and enjoy!


After dinner, I watched Eastern Promises. Excellent, excellent film. Having just watched The Fly last weekend, it was pretty crazy to see a David Cronenberg film that felt completely different from the stuff he put out in the 80s and 90s. I'm not going to review the film but I will say that Viggo Mortensen is absolutely fantastic. When the movie was over, I actually went back and watched all of my favorite parts again. I don't know if it was the Russian accent, the tattoos, or the chilling way he walked and talked his way through every scene, but I was pretty shaken by the performance. I really hope he gets an Oscar nomination for it.

When the movie ended, I flipped on the South Carolina Republican debate. I guess after spending almost two hours at work reading about the candidates and their platforms, I was inspired. Considering everything I've read online and heard in the debates, I've gotta say, I'm almost 100% behind John McCain now. I'm still rooting for Obama in the Democratic primary, however, if McCain should get the Republican nomination, I can't see backing anyone else.

Well, that about does 'er! Normally I don't make a habit of rehashing the events of my life but last night was just chocked full of awesome. I couldn't resist. And hey, maybe I prompted you to try a new recipe, rent Eastern Promises, or research the Presidential candidates! I certainly hope that I did. :)


Miss Organizized said...

You inspired me!!! Actually after ever film you either mention or review, I want to see it and I swear I need you to make me a list of "must see" films. Maybe one day Johnny and I will be a crotchety old couple that never does anything except watch movies from Netflix??

Part two: In addition to this blog, little things repeatedly remind me of the S&tC episode with the whole concept of doing single apartment stuff, or however they phrased it. Like today I listened to Abba whilst doing pilates and twist-step. And I was rockin all over the place!! Doing like coordinated dance moves and stuff? THEN after a quick shower, I eat cottage cheese, and cheese n crackers in my underwear in the kitchen. WOW! I'm going to miss that when I'm a crotchety old couple ;)

PS My fave part? "pine nuts burn easily and they are fucking expensive!"

Amanda said...

Haha...I can make you a list of must-see films for sure! I'm actually surprised by the amount I've been able to see lately considering I usually go months between movies. I've just been forcing myself to not watch bad TV when I have free nights :)

So true about Sex and the City! That episode hit really close to home. I'm glad you got to do some fun "single apartment stuff" at lunch! Maybe when you're living with John, you can still do that stuff when he's not around. I definitely realized last night that there aren't too many things in the world better than kickin' it at home by yourself. Truly glorious.