Friday, February 8, 2008

Vanity Fair does Hitchcock

I recently had one of those 'somebody up there likes me' moments when several friends of mine told me about the latest issue of Vanity Fair. Around this time of year, Vanity Fair puts out their annual "Hollywood Issue" which includes a pictorial of the Academy Award nominees as well as other "hot" or "buzzed about" actors from the past year. This year has been my favorite year for cinema in over a decade and I feel nothing but love and adoration for all of the actors and actresses who have contributed to that. That being said, I really didn't care what the theme was this year. You could imagine then how elated I was to discover that this year’s theme was none other than the Master of Suspense himself...Alfred Hitchcock.

Any year I would have flipped out about this but right now I just happen to be in the thick of the research I'm doing for a Hitchcock encyclopedia I plan to publish in the next few years. So not only am I getting a bunch of awesome photographs of my favorite actors (you know how I love those!) I also get to see them posed for scenes inspired by Hitch's best films. Yes, somebody up there likes me indeed.

So here are just a few of my favorites...

To catch the rest, click here. But if you're up for a more Z-esque experience, visit your local Barnes & Noble, order yourself some coffee or tea, then find a quiet corner where you can enjoy this issue in a way Hitch would have appreciated: slowly, meticulously, and with undivided attention to every detail.

1 comment:

Diana Laurence said...

Manzi, that may be the coolest thing ever in a pop culture magazine. Just the fact that they gathered such a stable of fantastic actors to do this thing blows my mind! And the photos themselves are absolutely brilliant. Heck, they could have done this as a book and sold it for big bucks. It also proves that any woman looks better if her hair and makeup are done Grace Kelly style, and any man looks better if you put him in an old school suit.

Somebody up there does love you! Anytime you need inspiration to work on your book, you can just pull out your copy of this Vanity Fair.