Friday, April 18, 2008

I got me a job!

Yes, yes, it finally happened. Funny how when you're unemployed it feels like the whole charade has been going on for an eternity but when you finally get the job it feels like hardly any time has gone by at all. Don't get me wrong, it was a very maddening process that I still wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. But I think when the right thing comes along, you feel as though the wait was totally worth it. I mean, thinking back to all those job interviews and rejection, I wouldn't change any of it. Because I honestly feel as though the job that I ended up getting was exactly what I wanted and needed at exactly the right time.

So...more about the job! I will be working for Kohl's at their Corporate Headquarters in Menomonee Falls and my title is E-Commerce Project Coordinator. Basically I will help coordinate the projects that the E-Commerce division handles i.e. maintaining, updating various parts of the website like product assortment and shop links. The e-commerce side of Kohl's is growing like crazy and it sounds like there's never a dull moment there which is precisely what I need after my last job. The two women I interviewed with (and who I'll be working for) are super nice and personality-wise I think it will be a great fit. I guess the vibe in their department is young and "hip" and I must have given off a similar vibe in the interview because they thought I would fit in great with everyone. And while it is a 'temp to hire' position and for now they're just bringing me on because they need some extra help, they said there is a very strong possibility that it will turn permanent which is awesome!

This whole thing came about in such a crazy, random way. I was out at the Ale House last Friday afternoon celebrating my step-dad's birthday. My cell phone rang and I thought it was my mom so I answered it. (Since I had had a few beers and was in a loud bar I didn't think it was wise to answer any job related calls.) Turns out it was NOT my mom but this woman named Kim who worked with a staffing agency. She found my resume online and told me about the Kohl's position. She saw that I had some elementary knowledge of web design and HTML, and also had a good amount of administrative and coordinating experience. So she asked me if she could present me as a candidate for this position at Kohl's. And unlike many other staffing people I've worked with, she seemed genuinely interested in helping out. She managed to get me an interview with them this past Tuesday which was crazy fast.

So the interview went SUPER well...probably the best interview I've ever had. I was able to be very articulate about my job experience and work style but also personable and funny and all that. I felt like the stars were aligned because every answer I had for them seemed to click. It was amazing. I walked out of it feeling very confident but considering the luck I've had I didn't want to get too excited. I talked to Kim about it as soon as it was over and she was all about following up with them. I knew they really needed to get someone in there fast but I was still expecting to wait for awhile for an answer.

The next day I tried REALLY hard not to wait next to the phone like a desperate school girl. I didn't hear anything until about 5:00. I was sitting in my sister's car (we were about to head out to try and buy her dream car) and I get a call. I'll never forget it. "Well I have what I hope is good news...they would like to extend an offer to you." SO CRAZY!!! I literally could not believe my ears. She told me how much they liked me and thought I would be really great for the job and the department. I think that was the part I appreciated the most. Yes, getting a job is glorious but more than anything I just wanted someone to be impressed and excited by me and just give me a chance to prove myself. I did my best to maintain my composure while talking to Kim because Katie was sitting right there and I didn't want to give anything away. So when I got off the phone and turned to her, I said "I got a job" and she proceeded to scream super loud. Haha, I'll never forget it. I think I was too stunned to react so boldly but Katie's reaction pretty much summed it all up. Months and months of pent of frustration finally released.

It couldn't have worked out better. I got the news right before Katie bought her new car, which she's deserved for quite some time as well. We drove it to my parents' house from the dealership and surprised them. They were both really excited for her and loved the car. So we were all, "let's go inside and have a cocktail to celebrate!" As soon as we got inside, K said " well that's not the only good news" and looked in my direction. I announced, "I got a job!" and my mom FLIPPED THE F OUT!! It was the greatest thing ever. I feel like I've never seen her so happy for me. Honestly, I think it was one of the best moments of my life. I just saw how much my happiness and success mattered to her and that was very touching.

So there you have it! I apologize for such a long-winded post here but I guess that was inevitable. I'm just amazed at how sudden and crazy this whole thing came about. But that's life in a nutshell. The best things always happen when you're least expecting them, which is why no one should ever give up hope. I was so close to throwing in the towel and was even considering moving to another city! I sincerely was at a loss as to what to do about getting a job. And then this opportunity falls into my lap out of nowhere! I'm just so happy that things finally seemed to be turning around. 2008 might just turn out to be my year after all.


Miss Organizized said...

AHHH!!! I LOVED this post!!! So glorious. I'll ALWAYS remember Wednesday, April 16th. What a great day!! Congrats once again and I think things are turning around for everyone these days. Maybe now that winter is finally over, things will just start clicking everywhere :)


nik von H said...


Now let's hope that I get a job soon....preferably not at Wal-Mart.

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nik von H said...

Spammin' bastards!