Tuesday, April 1, 2008

March hodgepodgery

March updates to my 25/25 list!

1. Finish notes on all Hitchcock films (3-4 per month)

I completed notes on four Hitch films this month.

To Catch a Thief


The Wrong Man

Jamaica Inn

7. Give up alcohol for Lent

Done and done! As much as I love being able to drink again, those nearly two months of Lent were truly a glorious time for me. Never underestimate the power of patience and delayed gratification.

8. Read 12 books (for the year)

Finished No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy...

...and Sacred by Dennis Lehane...

13. Eat at one new restaurant every month

This past Saturday, my sis and I went to Edgar's Calypso downtown. Holy shit is that place fantastic. Best food, service, and atmosphere I've encountered since Firefly. Not only that but K was generous enough to share the gift certificate she got for her birthday with me so it was all free!

15. Donate $5 to 1-3 charities of your choosing every month

So I said I was going to hold off on this until I got a job but I guess my generosity got the better of me ;) I donated $5 to Companion Animal Resource and Adoption Center. And to make up for February, I donated $25 to St. John's when I attended the Easter Triduum there.

20. Attend the Triduum at St. John’s

The Easter Triduum this year was amazing. Archbishop Dolan presided over all four services we attended which was great. I'm already looking forward to next year!

21. Watch at least one documentary every month

This month I watched an absolutely incredible documentary called Autism: The Musical. The film recounts six months in the lives of five autistic children and their parents as the children write and rehearse for an original stage production. If you know anything about autism, you know that the last thing that would seem possible for autistic children would be creating and performing a musical. That's precisely what is so moving about the film. The kids accomplish such amazing feats all because people took a chance on them. I've always been interested in autism and did several research papers and projects about it throughout my middle and high school years. As much as I know, however, this film reminded me that there is still SO much to learn...not only about the disorder but about how complicated and wonderful the children who have it truly are.

25. Buy 15 classic albums from the Rolling Stone 500

I bought three this month!

The Beatles — Revolver

U2 — Achtung Baby

Cyndi Lauper — She’s So Unusual

That's it! Onto April...


Miss Organizized said...

Sometimes my mind boggles at how much you accomplish each month. Yeah yeah you're unemployed now so have more time, but STILL!

PS Listen to "For No One" on Revolver and think about current times...it's spooky. I heard it yesterday morning and was like "yikes" :( because someone else had it on the radio too.

You stay home, she goes out
She says that long ago she knew
someone but now he's gone
She doesn't need him

Your day breaks, your mind aches
There will be times when all
the things she says will fill
your head
You won't forget her

Amanda said...

Haha thanks! I'm sure the accomplishments will die down significantly once I have a job. But I'll keep at it as best I can!

Weirdness! I love that song and it's amazing how many times I've heard it but suddenly now it means something totally different. I guess that's bound to happen with a lot of songs now ;)

"A love that should have lasted years..."