Okay is it just me or did this month seem to last forever? Wow, did I cram a lot in. Well despite a few snags here and there, May was fabulous. I checked several key things off my 25/25 list (stay tuned for updates later) and I spent oodles of time with all the people I love the most. Oh, and the weather finally got good again.
-rediscovering The Living End
-celebrating my new job at Café Lulu and At Random with the fam
-going to The Bottle with K and talking about high school and Butterworks
-Jason Castro
-a kickass day in Chicago…lunch at the Full Shilling, watching the Cubs win at Wrigley, the hottie on the bus, Smoque with Martha, a lovely car ride
-all the positive feedback at my job
-a hot dream about Dane Cook
-going to the driving range with K
-getting the Internet at home
-a lovely evening at home alone updating my blog and watching
The Rules of Attraction and
The Departed-spending Mother’s Day at our apartment due to some interesting setbacks
Dan in Real Life-the Mamas and the Papas
-getting new tires
-the new Duffy and Jason Mraz cds
-finally getting together with Diana and hanging out at BBC and a random house party
-going to the art museum with K, Martha, and Momzy
-the crab cake tater tots
-Marne’s fabulous graduation party
Iron Man with K and J
-going to Flan’s with Ken
-my new job and all the awesome peeps
-The Paper on MTV…best show ever! Ohhh Michael Jan…
-David Cook winning AI!!
-bringing back the Asian man love
-my new bed spread!
-the half day before Memorial weekend
-kickin’ it with Nicole in the O.C.
-the Baconator!
-a lovely barbecue with the fam, J&J and Rob & Sarah
-running around in the rain with K and Jeremy
Prince Caspian with Momzy
-So You Think You Can Dance starting again!
-quoting Dane Cook
-the Lost season finale
-going to Riversplash with K…walking around in the beautiful weather, the “cop” convo by the Miller Lite stand, some very yummy Reuben rolls, dancing like crazy to King Solomon and the Have a Nice Day Café “wedding reception” dance party
-hanging with the fam at The Knick and Calypso
Cloverfield…definitely one of the scariest and most awesome movies I’ve ever seen
-the Cubbies being #1 in the whole major league!!