Saturday, May 10, 2008

April hodgepodgery

So I feel like I didn't get as much done as I usually do but that's probably because I got a fucking job! I'm hoping that as I get more used to the new lifestyle I'll be able to create a good balance between work, play, and what I'd like to call 'productive use of my free time.' That's the goal anyway! That, and getting myself a man ;-) But getting back to the blog post at hand, here's a list of what I DID accomplish in April.

1. Finish notes on all Hitchcock films (3-4 per month)

I finished notes on three Hitch films this month.

Foreign Correspondent

The Man Who Knew Too Much


2. Take another acting class

Well I successfully completed Acting II at The Rep. Despite meeting a guy who gave me some trouble near the end, I had a blast in this class. I feel like I really rocked this one. People gave me a lot of compliments and I think I really mastered the whole Improv thing. When II ended I thought I should take a break and not go right into III for both personal and financial reasons. I do hope to take III the next time it's offered cuz I absolutely lurve acting and all the peeps in my classes.

8. Read 12 books (for the year)

I was only able to read one book this month (yeah I suck) but it was one of the best books I've ever read...The Rules of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis. It also happens to be one of my favorite movies that, as luck would have it, I am watching as I type this! Thanks Home Box Office :) Lauren Hynde and Paul Denton are two of my favorite literary and cinematic characters in the world. No doubt about it.

13. Eat at one new restaurant every month

I ate at some awesome new places this month. For Davey's birthday we went to Trinity Three Irish Pubs and I got a killer grilled cheese sammy with white cheddar cheese, caramelized onion and spinach. I also went to Brocach, another Irish pub, with the fam. I had this sweet potato and butternut squash concoction that was pretty much an orgasm in a bowl. Finally, when I went to Madtown for my best buddy Jen's 25th b-day we went to Takara, the best restaurant in the city and probably the best sushi restaurant I've ever been to. We had such a blast there. It's now what I imagine heaven to be like.

15. Donate $5 to 1-3 charities of your choosing every month

I donated $25 to the Tourette Syndrome Association.

19. Go to the opera or symphony

I went to see a Mozart Mass concert at St. John's and it was phenomenal. I've been to a lot of symphony concerts but experiencing one inside a cathedral was truly remarkable. There also happened to be a thunderstorm going on that night so you could occasionally hear the thunder and see the lightning through the stained glass. Very, very awesome.

21. Watch at least one documentary every month

This month I watched Steep which was not only one of the coolest docs I've ever seen but one of the coolest films in general I've ever seen. It was totally awe-inspiring and even though I'm the biggest chicken shit in the world, I can still appreciate the awesomeness of big mountain skiing. These people are incredible.


So maybe it wasn't the most productive month, but it was certainly one of the greatest and most fun I've had in awhile. I can't wait to see what the summer will bring.


Miss Organizized said...

Blah I think it was damn productive! I mean considering?? And re reading that section about Mozart's Mass gets me every time. What an amazing experience that was...and the night at Blu afterwards with the crazy strong martini, with hilarious carrot cake shenanigans at Buckley's shortly there after? What a great night!

Amanda said...

Haha, that WAS a great night! It was one of those nights where you really didn't think it would go in the direction it did.